Sunday, October 07, 2007

Car seats again

No update yet on the stupid library situation... I'm working on finding out who controls the library board. I'll update when I figure that out.

I know I've posted about this already but I have to share this again. It's too important not to share. This is a link to a video from ABC news.

It's difficult to think about so many parents don't... but if it's your child that is injured or killed in a crash then it's too late. Now is the time to make sure your child will be safe if you are ever involved in a crash.

It kills me to see parents turning their rear facing seats around the day the baby turns one or sometimes even sooner. It is safest for children to remain rear facing as long as possible. Our seats have a rear facing limit of 33 lbs. It is best to keep your child rear facing until they reach the maximum weight limit. Personally, I don't care if baby can't see the driver or you think it's more fun for them to be facing forward. Bottom line is that it's not as safe. And if you're worried about their legs being all scrunched up, just remember that a broken leg after a crash is much easier to fix than a broken neck!

Read these if you still aren't convinced:,,9r5v,00.html?arrivalSA=1&cobrandRef=0&arrival_freqCap=1&pba=adid=13497414

The other issue is properly restraining older children. Children should stay in a 5-pt harness for as long as possible. Our seat has a weight limit of 80 lbs. I was 80 lbs until middle school! I know my children will be in their 5-pt harnesses for a long, long time. Too many parents make the mistake of putting a child into a belt-positioning booster too soon. Buy the seat with the higher weight limit and 5-pt harness and keep your child in it until they hit the weight limit.

Another important tip is to use the car seat tethers. If your vehicle has LATCH, use the LATCH points up to the weight limit specified on your car seat. Then tether the seat to the vehicle too. Our car seats have a strap that attaches from the back of the seat to the hook on the floor of the vehicle. I have all 4 seats tethered in our van, 2 rear facing and 2 forward facing.

I guess some people don't see the big deal with car seat safety. I have friends who don't buckle their kids, don't use car seats, or turn their kids too early. I don't want to appear judgmental but should I keep my mouth shut and pray that they don't get into an accident? I lost a cousin to a drunk driver and my brother-in-law is forever bound to a wheelchair because of a car accident. I have survived 2 serious accidents that I "shouldn't" have walked away from... but did. If you think it won't happen to you, think again.
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