And shame on me for not explaining this sooner, but here's the deal. Yes, we bought a house in Virginia. We are just visiting Jason for a few weeks before we head back to Virginia and move into the new house. In the meantime all of our household goods are in my sister-in-law's basement. Closing isn't until July 29th so we figured a trip out west was in order.
Jason left in January and was at Ft, Benning, GA until April. He came home for a couple of weeks and then reported to Ft. Sill, OK. He finished training there on June 27th and he drove his car to Dallas, TX. Then he caught a flight to DC and we picked him up and spent 5 days in Virginia. He has to be at Ft. Huachuca, AZ until October so the kids and I drove out here with him and will stay for a few weeks. When we found out that he is deploying in November we decided to spend as much time together as possible before he leaves. He really misses the kids so we dropped everything and drove across the country to be with him. It just seemed like the logical thing to do.
So here we are in Arizona. We'll head up to Colorado in a few weeks and visit my dad before returning to Virginia. Jason will finish up here in October and then he'll have 2 weeks of leave before reporting to Ft. Lewis, WA. He'll spend a year in Iraq and will return home (to WA) next fall. The kids and I will go out to WA in early 2011 to stay with him until he gets his next assignment- hopefully back in the DC area!
I guess I am becoming a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl, huh?