To briefly sum up our trip:
Swimming in Nashville with old friends? Check.
Picking up Jason's car in Dallas? Check.
Fireworks in San Angelo, TX? Check.
Hail storm? Check. Times two.
Huge traffic detour because of said hailstorms? Check.
Wind gusts strong enough to topple a trailer? Check.
Tarantula sighting? Check, unfortunately.
Driving over 2,000 miles with 6 kids 6 and under? Big check.
Two babies who learned how climb a baby gate already? Check.
Spending a small fortune at Starbucks? Check.
Using cloth diapers for a cross-country trip? Check.
Doggy diarrhea incident? Check, check, check, check, check, check.
Arriving in Arizona with sanity (mostly) intact? Check.
Discovering your new home is in the ghetto and you will never leave your house alone? Check!