Just when I think it can't get worse, right?
It's ok, I know we'll get through this. I was just really looking forward to having a few months with my husband before he left again. This is our first deployment in his 6 years in the Army. We have been so blessed on that account. I shouldn't complain. I'm scared for him and for his safety. He's just a military intelligence guy so he's never been to an infantry unit and never seen combat.
I'm a wreck. It's just the thought of 2 years apart. Back to back. It's overwhelming.
I need to get out of here. I need to be near family. Or something. My mind is racing. Jason is upset. We're looking forward to seeing each other this summer when I drive out west. And then we'll have 2 weeks of vacation together (at Disney World!) in October- sort of a farewell celebration I guess.
I'm swallowing the lump in my throat and moving on. My kids need me to be strong. I want to break down but I just can't do it.