It's been a few weeks since their birthday but in the rush of activity I haven't had much chance to think about the big milestone we've just hit. We survived 3 years of raising twins. Trust me, if you have multiples you
know what I'm talking about!
So many changes are taking place now. We have entered the world of big girl beds, jewelry, friendships, and role playing. The girls are testing their boundaries and trying my patience. They are changing from cute little toddlers into pretty little girls. They may look alike, but their distinct personalities are more apparent than ever before.

Suddenly Sarah has gone from 100% diapers to 100% panties. I also believe that Sarah may be ready to wean since she has not asked to nurse since last week. Sarah is still my sweet, hair-twirling, finger-sucking princess even as a "big" 3-year old.

Leila is my feisty, demanding, emotional diva. She's still nursing and she's been daytime potty trained for months. No more regression here! Leila has a love of all things girly and anything pretty.
We are heading deep into the uncharted territories of 3-year old twins. I'm not sure what to expect in the coming months. I know we'll all miss Daddy. But I'm thinking that these girls are going to get me through it day by day. Somehow they can
always make me smile!