Take Tuesday, for example. Tuesday started out with Matthew telling me that their toilet was clogged. Sarah and Leila flushed a rubber ducky. Or two. Then my computer crashed. Water was spilled all over the floor in the kitchen. We missed our appointment to take the van in to the shop. I was still in my pajamas at lunch. Just one thing after another!
When I put the girls down for their nap Sarah was yelling for me. Someone is always yelling and if they aren't crying, I usually ignore it. So I didn't go in there. The yelling stopped but I could hear the girls talking from inside their crib tents. I went in to quiet them down and was horrified to see Sarah covered in blood. She had a bloody nose, a cut on her gums, a loose front tooth, and she'd torn her labial frenulum. How did she do this while still inside her bed? I have no idea. And she wasn't even crying!
Whenever I have a day like Tuesday I know things have to get better. And they did. A friend came to watch the babies so I could clean Sarah up and clean up the bloody bed. I got some other chores done. And then another friend brought over pizzas and our kids (9 of them ages 6 and under) played. Then we made cookies for dessert. I went to bed feeling better about everything. (Cookies can do that to you! The rum probably helped too.)
Yesterday was a great day. It made up for the suckiness of the previous day and restored my faith in my parenting abilities. I'd be pretty pathetic if I couldn't handle 6 kids, considering that octuplet mom is the single mother of 14 kids. Geez, I should just suck it up and deal!
Just for fun, here's a little play on words.
C is for the chaos. Because no matter how many children you have, you know there will be a little bit of chaos from time to time. It's a given.