Saturday, September 06, 2008

They're here!

Nathan Jared & Ryan Joseph
born on September 4, 2008
at 8:08 am & 8:09 am
7lbs, 9oz & 6lbs, 6oz
both 19.5 inches long
Nathan (l) & Ryan (r)

Nathan (l) & Ryan (r)

6 kids under age 6

Ryan (l) & Nathan (r)

It was not the peaceful birth we had intended. Acute TTTS became a problem and the babies were born by cesarean section under general anesthesia. More details soon to come...

The babies are much more identical than the girls. Nathan is the red baby and Ryan is much smaller. They both have Matthew's big dimples and the girls' hairline (cowlick and all.) They are 100% copies of Joshua & the girls-only smaller. They have much lighter hair though. It's a light brown compared to the thick black hair the other 4 children had at birth. We are very much in love! We came home from the hospital today and I will share more of our story soon.

Many, many thanks to all of you who have called, emailed, cooked, and prayed for our family. The outpouring of support has been absolutely incredible. We have never felt so blessed.
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