Tuesday, September 02, 2008

38 weeks

Stick a fork in me, I'm DONE!

Hitting 38 weeks has really reminded me of how I felt in the final days of my pregnancy with the girls. I had to finally surrender to the fact that I did not know when or how they would arrive. I was not in control. I've accepted that this time and maybe that's why I don't feel any sense of urgency to have things perfect and ready for the new babies.

Whether I'm ready or not, they will come soon. I'm still guessing next week sometime... But like several people have pointed out to me recently, I guess I should consider the possibility of carrying these babies to my due date or beyond. (Although my mother's prediction of carrying them to 42 weeks does NOT seem humanly possible. And Jason's jokes about having them at the end of September are equally disturbing.)

I'm not sure why I assume they'll come early but I'm sure part of it is that I can't imagine still being pregnant 2 weeks from now. I'm just so uncomfortable. That's putting it nicely. I'm pretty darn miserable to be honest. Last night the heartburn was so bad that I had to get up and sit upright for 4 hours because I had stomach acid backing up into my mouth. YUCK.

This is a scary little picture that M took yesterday. My hair was wet from the shower and pulled back so I look like I have a microscopic head on top of a freakishly large body. Fundal height is now 54 cm and the belly is 51 inches around!

One of my good friends worked her magic on my belly last night. This is the henna while it was still fresh. I'll take more pictures when the paste comes off and the beautiful design is left. I'm hoping it lasts until the babies come but it probably won't. She made this design herself-paisley because I love paisley, the yin & yang shape to represent the 2 babies inside, and the flowers inside the left side are the same ones I did on her belly when she was pregnant with her last baby. I love it!

Here's a random picture of the completed beanbags that I made for the boys. M's comforter and sham are completed so next on my list is J's comforter set. I will be ready for Christmas in no time!

Here's J modeling his penguin Halloween costume. Little Miss L had to don the chicken hat and squeeze in the picture too.

And here are my heathens stuffing their mouths full of marshmallows. What more can I say?
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