Another school year has begun. Another year that will be filled with big changes and plenty of surprises!

I have two adorable"kindergartners" that are thrilled to be doing more difficult work this year. We're actually using a first grade curriculum because Leila and Sarah are smarter than they look. (Side note: These girls may be tiny, but they can print more legibly than Matthew!)
Yes, I made my children pose on the front porch just like every other proud parent at the bus stop snapping pictures of their children on their first day of school. But you can probably still tell that my kids are homeschooled when you look at their feet...
The super cute "back to school" printables are available here. They're free and they're a great way to look back and remember who was in what grade when you took that great photo on the first day of school.
How was everyone else's first day of school?