We made it back home just in time for trick-or-treating. (More about our wild week in California later...)

Because my daughters never grow (they are so tiny, still 31 pounds at 4 1/2 years old!) we reused our Wizard of Oz costumes from last year. Of course Nathan & Ryan grew (Nathan is 31 pounds!) so I had to improvise a bit.

Matthew and Joshua decided they were not that interested in our little theme and so they went with their own theme. My little Mario Bros. were a big hit with all of the neighbors!

Ryan was a sweet, cuddly lion.

Jason busted out the
Choo Choo wagon and we hit the streets in style.

We actually went trick-or-treating with about ten other families. It was a lot of fun for the kids
and the adults! I really, really love our neighborhood.

And now I understand why people ask if the twins are quads. Do they look alike or what? Jason has some
seriously strong genes.

Once Nathan got a couple of pieces of candy, he was
mesmerized. My boy loves to eat and he never gets candy, so he was quite pleased with himself and the whole trick-or-treating thing.

Fall is so beautiful here in the Pacific Northwest. It reminds me of fall in Virginia and trips to Skyline Drive to see the leaves changing colors. Even the rain feels nice at this time of year.

Leila and Sarah are
absolutely terrified of anything even remotely scary. One time we were at the craft store and I literally had to cover their eyes and carry them down the aisle after they were spooked by a talking skeleton. Last night they would not go near any houses that were decorated. They make me giggle.

And Nathan got more and more smiley as we went door to door.

In fact, he only ate a few tiny pieces of candy last night and we only stopped at a handful of houses, but it was more than enough for him. If he could clutch a few
pieces of candy in his chubby, little hands, he was content.

Ryan was not even interested in the candy. He just laid back in the wagon and enjoyed the ride.

Somehow Mario's moustache ended up on the back of the wagon.

And by the end of the night, we had six happy children and way too much candy.
What do you do with your Halloween candy? Donate it? Eat it? Send it to the troops? I've got to purge some of this stuff quickly!