What? Me? Not normal? (Don't laugh.)
I have been reading all of the links that people have sent me and poring over the information about various disorders. What has struck a chord with me most is not MS, but the connective tissue disorders instead.
Specifically, I'm learning that being "double jointed" is not really normal. Being able to dislocate your hips, knee caps, and shoulders? Not normal.
Who knew?
I've always been able to do it and never really knew others couldn't do it too. It doesn't hurt me. I can just pop my hip out of the socket and slip it right back again.

-I'm 5'10" but my arm span is over 6' across.
-My torso is disproportionately shorter than my legs.
-I have TMJ and glaucoma.
-I have very long fingers. I can wrap them all the way around my wrist easily. (See the pic above?)
-I have scoliosis.
-I have dental crowding. (I've had dozens of teeth pulled and had braces 3 times.)
-I have a small, narrow jaw that the orthodontists always insist needs to be broken and reset.
-I have a high palate and a receding chin.
-I have a protruding chest. (And we are not talking about boobs here, folks!)
-I bruise easily.
-I have had joint pain or "growing pains" for as long as I can remember.
So, maybe it's all nothing. Maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe I have some other crazy, neurological disorder.
Or maybe I have a connective tissue disorder that is causing my spine to be compressed. Maybe something is getting pinched or poked and causing this insane dizziness. Maybe it's Chiari malformation?
I can't believe I'm posting this. I am sure everyone will now think I've officially lost my mind. I swear though, I am going to get to the bottom of this mess. Besides, I just discovered that I'm a real circus freak... What do I have to lose?
And yeah, the dizziness continues. Two weeks and counting...