Has it really been a week since Jason graduated? I'm finally getting around to sharing pictures. Prepare yourself, there are quite a few...

Despite the rain, Jason posed for a few pictures with the kids (aka his new recruits.) You'll notice that Matthew loves to exhibit his ability to make a goofy face in every picture. It's a special talent and he got it from Jason.

Everyone in Jason's class knew who I was because of my stroller. I guess Jason warned them about "The Beast." As always, we attracted quite a bit of attention and Jason even scored a few high fives I believe.

The girls were excited but I think that was mostly because they got to wear their "pretty dresses." Sarah ripped out her hair bow about 5 seconds after this picture.

This is the "OCS Arch" and the walkway is lined with each of the 50 state flags. Usually the graduates take their oath outside but because of the weather we were forced indoors. We were in one of the buildings there on the right side.

It was so humid inside that my camera lens was all fogged up. This first ceremony is when the graduates take the
oath of a commissioned officer.

After Jason took his oath we headed over to the auditorium for the graduation ceremony. The kids were starting to get restless about halfway through but then Jason's mom and sister showed up and took the kids outside.

After the graduation, Jason was almost official. All that remained was for me to pin his new rank on his uniform. The kids were exhausted and we were leaving to drive home immediately after the pinning ceremony.

We walked over to the OCS Arch and I pinned the "butter bar" on Jason's uniform. That was it! Now he's a Second Lieutenant.

But nothing is complete without a kiss.

To all of the newest Army officers, Congratulations! You make us all so proud.