Just 3 years ago today I was laying in my bed staring at my identical twin girls. I had just
given birth to them on my bedroom floor and I was completely smitten.

These days I am still completely smitten.

Leila is my prissy girl. She hates to be dirty and loves all things girly. Sarah is my tomboy, always happy to get messy but likes to do it in a dress. Sarah sucks her left 3 fingers and Leila sucks her right 2 fingers. They are both still nursing. Leila is potty trained. Sarah isn't. Leila is 14 minutes older. And much bossier. Both girls love to swim, play with dolls, and make mischief. They are much too smart for their own good. They know their letters, colors, shapes, and numbers. They both have Daddy wrapped around their little fingers too.
Today we celebrated Leila and Sarah's special day. We started off by opening presents before breakfast which was exciting because we usually make the kids wait all day and open them in the afternoon. Of course this backfired when it was time to get dressed and nobody could tear themselves away from their new toys. Even Matthew wanted to play with the hula hoops that my mom bought the girls.

We bought Matthew and Joshua their first bikes for their third birthdays so we did the same for the girls. Two very girly princess bikes were waiting and were met with squeals and giggles.

Then the girls were super excited to ride in their new (to us) Barbie Jeep. I saw this steal for $20 at the spring consignment sale and couldn't resist. I remember that I always wanted a Power Wheels as a kid and I never got one so I'll just live vicariously through my daughters. Do you think I can cram my long legs in there and give it a little test drive? No? Well I might try anyway.
After breakfast we headed out to the local strawberry farm. It was a gorgeous day and the girls wanted to spend their birthday picking fresh strawberries. Who am I to argue with that? So we loaded up the stroller and grabbed our berry buckets.

We passed this old shack on the way and I had to take a picture because it reminded me of the book I'm reading- "
The Shack." Not that I actually have time to read.

We picked 2 gallons of strawberries and of course the kids snuck a few to eat while we were picking. We had a lot of fun despite the heat!

After we returned from the farm we had lunch and went to swim lessons. (Video of swimming will be coming soon!) Then we had dinner at Red Robin and went home for cake.

I spent entirely too long decorating a My Little Pony cake
and a Strawberry Shortcake cake. I even used the same cake pans that my grandmother used to make my birthday cakes as a child.

The girls were delighted! Of course we sang and then everyone ate as much sugar as they could right before bed. Good times.

Another year gone much too quickly. My little girls are growing up! I can't wait to see what the next year brings...