'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
The children were so loud they scared the poor mouse
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
Mommy was ready to pull out her hair

But how could I be stressed when I look at these faces?

The same chubby faces that terrorized our church during the Christmas Eve service and earned us a few dirty looks and stares of pity...

So the time finally arrived and the kids opened their
Christmas Eve gifts-a new pair of
jammies for each of th
em. Made by me. And against my better judgment I will share this picture of me and the children in our pajamas. Please don't laugh!

Christmas morning finally arrived. Thanks to winning a prize drawing for an awesome gift, Santa was very generous this year. M got a new bike, J got an art easel desk and the girls received the lovely dollhouse from my friend who moved. They also got this playstand!
What holiday would be complete without the traditional lining up of cars?

The aftermath...

I'm not sure what's up with this face but every picture of has him with his eyes closed giving a thumbs up. Check out the finished penguin hat!

And here is the partially remodeled dollhouse. I gave the girls some of my cheaper doll furniture and made the little dolls for them. They love it!

I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday!
Next on my list is surviving another birthday and ringing in the New Year... in that order.