Am I crazy to leave the house with all of my kids? According to that jerk at the library I guess so... Which, by the way, I still have not gotten any response to the letter I sent to the library director!
Yesterday I met a friend at the park so her boys could play with my boys. It was approximately 150 degrees outside with 200% humidity. Never again.
Within seconds of exiting the van the children (and I) were covered in sweat. That didn't stop them from running around like little heathens though!
We cut the playdate short on account of the weather. I'm a glutton for punishment so I decided to run some errands while I was out.
I got gas first and then headed to the commissary. I put the girls in the double stroller and put J on the front of it. M walked with me. I only needed a few things so we were pretty fast. When I got to the checkout the cashier was so rude to me! She even rolled her eyes when I had to walk around to get out because the stroller wouldn't fit through the narrow aisle. I really, REALLY hate the south!
After that I had to get some affidavits notarized for some homebirths I attended. I went to the bank and dragged all 4 kids out again in the heat. We got inside and waited in line and then I got the forms notarized and left.
We rushed back home in time for lunch and afternoon naps. The boys and I played games and cleaned up before Jason got home.
Then we loaded up the van and I went by the homeschool consignment store to pick up a few things for school. We're starting our school year on September 3rd. M will be in first grade and J will be doing pre-k.
Next stop was dinner since I had a coupon for 2 free kids' meals. We were seated near an elderly couple who were not at all disturbed by L's high-pitched screams or the boys' rowdiness. The boys even got balloons after dinner.
After dinner we headed down the street to our church for an evening LLL meeting. I led 2 meetings this week! We had a great turnout for our first-ever night meeting.
We headed back home well after bedtime but the kids were all wide awake. What a day!
Today I had an FRG meeting so the kids and I were on post again. Don't even ask me why I'm helping lead FRG stuff when I'm not an FRG leader. Good practice for the future maybe?
To sum up our week:
2 LLL meetings
1 FRG meeting
11 loads of laundry
1 house call for LLL
1 lunch date
6 hour long phone conversations with friends
1 consultation
2 poop incidents (different kids each time)
1 family dinner out
2 trips to the gas station
5 sewing projects completed
1 grocery trip
2 trips to the bank
1 stop at the ice cream shop
2 trips around the block in the Choo Choo Wagon (still don't have the axle for the trailer yet!)
1 hot playdate at the park
2 trips to Home Depot
1 visit to church
3 times of watching "Everyone's Hero"
and countless hugs and kisses from some really sweet kids!!!
Tonight the girls and I decided to wind down by taking a bath together. That ended with 4 kids in the tub with me! Not exactly relaxing... but I wouldn't trade it for the world.