Monday, April 02, 2007


April is Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM.) As an ICAN leader I have made it my mission to get involved this year. As a result I decided to write to my governor and request that he proclaim April Cesarean Awareness Month in Georgia. So far I haven't heard back yet, but I'm hoping he'll sign it. There are many other states who have had proclamations recently.

In honor of CAM, I urge you to check out ICAN's website. Consider becoming a member this month while membership rates are only $25! This includes a subscription to the Clarion, ICAN's bi-monthly publication featuring articles and research about cesareans and VBAC. If you are interested in membership, please join through your local chapter (or mine!) and help support this grassroots organization.

This is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. As I watch the cesarean rate soar to over 30% nationally, I know that many mothers will never experience the beauty of natural birth. Cesareans carry such a risk for both mothers and babies... It just makes me sick to see so many of these (often unnecessary) surgical births.

It just so happens that CAM is also the month that my twins turn one. A year ago this month I was bursting with babies. I was wondering if I'd ever go into labor. I was curious about how the birth would play out. I was hot, huge, and miserable. (I was 212 lbs a few days before the birth and I'm almost 100 lbs less today!) Finally, on April 28th my babies were born in a glorious HBAC. (I'll post that birth story on their birthday.)

Anyway, check out ICAN and consider joining today!
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