Saturday, January 09, 2016

We're still here!

I'm making a commitment to myself for 2016.  I'm going to get back to blogging.  I need to be able to come back and read about this time in our lives.

I'll be back soon with an update but here's the short version of where I've been all year:
-full-time mom
-full-time wife
-full-time homeschooler
-full-time college student
-full-time student midwife

If you add that all together, it's pretty clear that there are not enough hours in the day/week/month for anything.  I feel like I'm being split in 10 different directions.  I keep telling myself that it is only temporary.  We leave Georgia next year.  I should be graduating then too.

Right now we are in the middle of moving again.  We're just headed across town, but any move in a family of ten is a "big deal."

I'm sharing our Christmas photo above, complete with photoshopped "snow."  It was 80 degrees that day (in November) but we managed to capture seven smiles.  This is my proof that we're all here and doing okay.

I'll be back soon...if there's anyone still reading...

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