Monday, December 24, 2012

Seven has a name!

After more than 3 weeks of struggling to find a suitable name, Jason and I ended up choosing three names for our sweet girl. We were down to two names that were very similar but when Jason informed me that he was willing to hold out for months to get his way, I knew a compromise was in order. We are both so stubborn but I have to let that go sometimes. Although we both loved the middle name we had chosen, I really wanted to include my middle name (which is my grandmother's name) so we ended up with two middle names. She may have a very long name, but it is special and hopefully she'll appreciate that one day.


Amelia Evangeline Louise

Thank you all for the prayers, kind thoughts, name suggestions, encouragement, and patience.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your families.

Merry Christmas!
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