Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How Homeschooled Kids Celebrate Valentine's Day

We spend a few hours crafting 120 Valentine's Day cards from construction paper and a rubber stamp. The kids painstakingly sign their names to each one because we can count that as our handwriting lesson for the day.
We head to the homeschool group meeting to exchange the cards and have a Valentine's Day party. The kids burn off the sugar by running rampant in the gym for an hour. (This counts as socialization, right?)
We have a heart-themed lunch at home where the kids learn about units of measurement while baking bread, cookies, and making homemade yogurt in the crockpot.
(Yes, we finally started making our own yogurt!)
I watch a YouTube video tutorial so that I can fix the girls' hair into hearts. Yes, I even added ribbon. (Oh my word, who am I? I don't know how to do hair!) Then the girls go to gymnastics while the big boys finish school.
The boys finish their lessons and play outside, where Joshua does a face plant on his bike (hurray for helmets!) and comes inside with some nasty road rash, a bloody lip and various loose teeth. (Does this count as a lesson in first aid?)
When Jason gets home, Matthew has a guitar lesson. (Music appreciation, anyone?)

Then we all gorge ourselves on chocolate and call it a day.
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