Leaving Ohio, we were heading up north to Michigan. Sure, Michigan was a bit out of the way, but we'd never been there and we wanted to see it. So we did.

We hadn't gotten far when I looked up and saw ominous dark clouds up ahead. Just then my mom called to see where I was and nicely pointed out that I was about to drive into a huge storm.

Fortunately, the storm passed quickly. It's really not that easy to drive a 12-passenger van with roof carrier that is towing a 26-foot trailer when the winds are gusting and you're driving 60 mph in sheets of rain. Trust me on that one.

Soon the sky began to clear and my sweet GPS decided to take me on a scenic tour of whatever state we were in at the time. (Indiana, I guess!)

This is where things really got interesting. The highway went from four lanes to two lanes, ad then became a tiny road with no lines. Suddenly I came across a detour in the road. My poor GPS was so confused. She thought I was driving across farm fields. I pretty much was...

Eventually the detour took me back to civilization, but not before I briefly panicked and envisioned us breaking down in a muddy field and being forced to eat s'mores to stay alive until we were discovered. And of course, it was at this time that I noticed that my gas tank was only 1/4 full and that I was miles and miles from the nearest service station.

Leila tried to cheer me up by drawing pictures of Daddy and hearts. She is so sweet.

Finally, we made it into Michigan and I was able to get gas. I do recall telling Jason that if he never heard from again, to send a search party to Colon, MI. Yes, I got lost in Michigan's colon. Gross.

I was surprised at how much of Michigan was just like the typical midwestern states... farms, farms, and more farms.

Matthew and Joshua marked their territory in the farmland. Potty Break is my new middle name.
Our campground that night was actually at the end of
another long, gravel road in the middle of nowhere. It was a little unnerving. Think
Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

The cool thing was, I had a nice little sign that all was well. Just before I arrived at our remote location for the night, I passed this sweet wooden cut out of a soldier kneeling before the cross. It was just someone's front yard in rural Michigan, but it made me smile in a big way.