I never heard from the chaplain after leaving a message on Thursday. I tried calling the command staff at the Army hospital on Thursday but they had gone home for the day.
First thing yesterday morning I called the command staff and spoke to someone. All it took was a few minutes of explaining my situation (and not even in detail, just the general facts) and within an hour or two I had a doctor calling my cell phone.
Unfortunately the doctor that called is the doctor that never returned my calls from April when I was trying to get the kids registered for respite care. (Which, of course, I never got.) So I'm not really thrilled with her and she's not my PCM. But, she says she will help me.

If past experience is any indication, maybe they'll start to figure out what's wrong with me at this next appointment. When I had C. diff in 2006, I visited this same hospital and was sent home three times. I was in the ER, complaining that something was seriously wrong and they kept telling me it was a virus. Nobody in the house was sick. The girls were only 6 months old. I knew it was something else. I thought I was going to die. I lost 20 lbs over the course of 2 weeks. Finally, on my fourth trip to the hospital, the ER nurse drew blood from an artery in my wrist. They admitted me on the spot and I was in quarantine for a week. The doctors and nurses came in my room in full astronaut gear, from head to toe, with even their faces covered. I knew this was not a good sign. I still thought I was going to die. A colonoscopy revealed ulcerative colitis and there was talk of removing my colon. I was so sick. Jason was scared and was home with the girls, trying to feed them all of the breastmilk that was in the freezer. After aggressive antibiotic treatment, I eventually came home. But the C. diff and the military doctors nearly cost me my bowels (and my life.)
Needless to say, I don't have a lot of faith in the military doctors. Fortunately, I rarely have to see them. I'm much more holistically-minded. I choose homebirth and homeopathics over hospitals and drugs. But sometimes something serious happens and we need medical care. I feel like this is one of those times.
I've been to the doctors more in the last three weeks than I have in the last three years.
I shouldn't have to call the command staff at the hospital just to get an appointment. But hey, I'm not above that right now.
So yeah, I'm definitely making a stink.