so last year already... but here are some of our Christmas pictures.

I figured I should finally post our Christmas pictures before I start posting hundreds of pictures of our house. Boooorrrrrring.

I just couldn't bring myself to post these pictures last week. Jason's departure was still too fresh in my mind and I needed time to deal with that.

It's easy to smile when I see these pictures now though! I know Sarah's head got cut off and I had to use the flash, and I never have time to edit any of my photos... but I still love them! This is our real life, right here.

The anticipation of Christmas may be over, but I can still relive it when I see what our tree looked like at 2am when Santa had just dumped his sack of presents all over our living room.

I love to remember our stockings all lined up across the mantle. (Ok, so there were actually 2 missing when I took this picture so just imagine that there were 9 of them!)

I will cherish my memories of Christmas because, of course, it was Christmas. But it was also Jason's last day with us. And it hurts me to even write that because I want to pretend that he's just off training somewhere and that he'll be home soon.

Last night I was feeling terribly sad and I'd had a long, difficult day. Then my mother and grandmother showed up to cook me dinner and bake me a birthday cake. It was just what I needed, and just when I needed it!

My mood improved but I still went to bed anxious and upset. I just wanted to hear from Jason and know that he was ok. That was weighing heavily on my mind.

At 1am my phone rang. It was a 202 (DC) area code so I figured it was a wrong number. When they called back a second time I answered. Can you guess who it was?

Yep! It was Jason! And my eyes were open in a flash and I felt a huge burden lift from my tired shoulders and a big, goofy grin spread across my face. I was giddy! I can be giddy, even at 1 in the morning!

Jason arrived safely in Kuwait and will be traveling the rest of the way to Iraq in just a couple of days. He sounded great and was so happy to talk to me! I know that was what we both needed.

It still feels strange that he is so far away. It seems like he is so close. It's kind of like our Christmas memories that seem
so last year when they were really just less than 2 weeks ago.

Here's hoping that this next year passes quickly for all of us...

...but not
too quickly.