Leila has had a hard time adjusting to Daddy being home. She's upset because she knows he's leaving again so it's almost as if she won't relax and let her guard down. How do you explain deployment to a 3-year old? How can I help her understand why Daddy is here, then gone, then here, then gone again? In some ways, it's almost easier having him gone when I know that each time we're together it's just the beginning of another tough good-bye.

Needless to say, we enjoy visiting that mall. And we always have a good laugh pointing out to the children the exact spot in the parking lot where Mommy and Daddy said "I do." They don't even think it' funny yet. Maybe they think everyone gets married in the mall parking lot? Who knows. That mall does have the best Santa though!

I spent a day preparing my brother's Christmas gifts. I'm sure he doesn't read my blog, so it's safe to say what he's getting. He recently broke up with his girlfriend (which is a good thing) and he's working, paying bills, has his very first apartment of his own, and he's sober. It's the best news I've heard in such a long time. I'm so happy for him, even though we still haven't spoken or seen each other since March. Because he doesn't cook, my dad suggested sending him food. I lovingly made a dozen different soup mixes for him, along with everything he needs to go in them. He's got everything (spices, noodles, beans, etc.) neatly prepared and a recipe attached with instructions to add water or milk and any additional ingredients (canned tomato, chicken, etc.) It's as close as I can get to giving him a homemade meal and it requires no cooking on his part... just add water and heat. I hope that we can reconcile this Christmas, but for now I'm showing my love for him by sending him food. Isn't that supposed to be a good way to show a man you care? Feed him?

I'm turning 30 on December 30th. Isn't there a name for that, when you turn the same number as the day of your birth? Or did I just make that up?
Either way, I'm holding onto the last days of being a twentysomething.