I feel so empty. This good-bye somehow feels so much more final than all of the other good-byes.

Is this really happening?

Me? I'm trying to be tough. I fought back the tears that were stinging my eyes as I helped Jason pull his bags out of the van at the airport. I held it in until he kissed me good-bye and then I felt the hot, wet sadness pour from my eyes and we held each other in the cold, wet rain. I pulled myself together and drove back home. Home to a house that feels emptier than it did this morning, even though there are still 7 of us here. Home to a house where we should be excitedly anticipating the holidays and instead I just want to crawl back into bed and sob.

And in some small way, I feel proud, even honored, that Jason left today. It's Veteran's Day, after all. There are so many who given so much for our great country. There are those who made the ultimate sacrifice and laid down their lives for our freedom. Today, I am remembering them even more than ever before. It's given me a new perspective.
Thank you all for your prayers and support as our family weathers this storm. Most of all, thank you to all of the other military families, past and present, who have given so much for this country. Please continue to pray for them.