Monday, November 23, 2009

Lessons Learned

Yesterday we had the privilege of having the kids' Christmas pictures taken by two local photographers. I was lucky enough to win a contest they were having on their blog and so our photography session was free! I can't wait to see the proofs! Before Jason left we also had a few family pictures taken through the program Operation Love ReUnited. We haven't seen those photos yet either but it will be a special treat for Jason to receive those photos in Iraq.

So yesterday was The Big Christmas Picture Day. Having 6 young children, my expectations are low when it comes to photos. If we can just capture one image without someone screaming, crying, pouting, or looking the wrong direction, I consider that a success.
These are the lessons I learned from our experience yesterday...

1. Children will do just about anything for a bag of mini marshmallows.

2. It is entirely possible to consume a bag of mini marshmallows and spin in circles on a tire swing for 20 minutes and not throw up. If you're five.

3. Mini marshmallows closely resemble the small, white pebbles under foot. Babies will easily confuse the two and will surely ingest several pebbles.
4. If it's cold, six little noses will produce copious amounts of sparkling snot. Not good for Christmas pictures, although festive in its own special way. Have tissues on hand at all times.

5. Pushing 160 pounds of stroller and children up a steep sidewalk is the equivalent of running 3 miles. It definitely qualifies as exercise.

6. Pushing 160 pounds of stroller and children up a steep sidewalk probably does not burn off the 14,000 calories in that Starbucks caramel brulee latte that you just gulped down when nobody was looking.

7. Sometimes it's ok to spend your last $5 on an overpriced coffee.

8. Two gorgeous, skinny, fashionable photographers will make you feel frumpy, especially if you don't remember the last time you washed your hair.

9. Your kids will listen to two gorgeous photographers much better than they listen to you. Remember, the photographers brought a bag of marshmallows. Don't take it personally.

10. You will love seeing pictures of your children sitting together even if one of them is making a silly face and one is choking her baby brother. It's real life, after all.

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