Jason arrived in Louisiana last night. Today he'll be driving to Texas to spend the night in the little town of San Angelo. That's where we lived for the better part of 2005. From there he's headed to Ft. Sill, OK where he'll be until July. And after that he will be driving to Ft. Huachuca, AZ where he will be until October. He's not deploying (yet) although his unit is scheduled to be overseas next year.
As for me and the kids, we're stuck here in Georgia. We can't really go anywhere yet. Our house just isn't selling and I can't move until it does.
Although our house may not be moving, our babies sure are...

Nathan and Ryan are easily crawling all over the house now. Ryan is faster and it seems as though he's the real mover and Nathan is the real talker. Nathan says "dada" and lots of other cute little sounds while Ryan mostly growls. Ryan pulls up on the furniture and is starting to cruise. Nathan prefers to be playing quietly on the floor or sleeping in my arms. And so far neither of them has any teeth! (That's a new record for us since all 4 of the other kids has multiple teeth by 6 months!) I've busted out the baby gates since these little guys can get everywhere and are into everything. Ryan tried to get into the dishwasher a few nights ago. Let the fun begin!
I am starting to wonder why I thought I could handle taking on swimming lessons and soccer at the same time. My days are so busy that we barely spend any daylight hours in our house anymore. Fortunately the swim lessons end next week and then we'll have a nice break when we head up north for a few weeks.
We're gearing up for the next part of our traveling circus tour. Stops include Virginia/DC (of course!) as well as Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. I'm taking the kids to Sesame Place on Sunday for their "Multiples Weekend." I figure if there is anywhere that our quad stroller might blend in, it would be at a gathering of multiples, right? Jason says that maybe instead of getting stopped every 5 seconds, we'll only get stopped every 10 seconds. Who cares though? I'm just happy to take the kids out somewhere special. They really deserve it right now!
Overall, I think we're all alright. Leila has (so far) remained potty trained. Joshua, on the other hand, is having accidents again. He peed in his pants twice yesterday. The girls both snuck out of their rooms and fell asleep in the hall last night but I tucked them back in bed and they were ok for the rest of the night. Matthew is acting out a bit more than usual. All things considered, I"d say we are doing pretty darn well! I know, I know... it's only been 24 hours. But still, it feels like we are off to a good start.