Thursday, March 01, 2007

Helping a family in need

A mom that I know through an Attachment Parenting Multiples group recently shared some devastating news. One of her 5-month old triplets is in the hospital in critical condition. She was diagnosed with RSV and was having seizures. An MRI revealed severe brain damage. She has e. Coli and they are almost certain she has meningitis.

The power of prayer is an awesome thing. If you could take a moment and lift up this sweet baby girl in prayer, I know her family would appreciate it. If you want to help out the family, they have set up a CarePage. You can view it by registering and searching for "LilyMathis."

The family's blog is here: if you'd like to see pictures of Lily. This family also has an older daughter in addition to the triplets so this is an incredibly difficult time for them.
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