Saturday, February 24, 2007

In the News...

Let's start with the absolutely absurd... Apparently a childcare facility in Ohio has decided that breastfed babies are more work and as such, they should charge more to care for them. That's right. Breastmilk is more work for the childcare workers. Refrigerating, warming, and swirling that bottle is so darn hard. So they've decided to charge the parents $50 PER WEEK for all of that extra work.

Read more about it here and send an email to the childcare facility to express your disgust.

Next, someone has finally decided to make a movie about the problems with maternity care here in the US. Our rising cesarean rates are quite troubling. One in four first-time moms now deliver via cesarean surgery. Doctors are practicing fear-based medicine. They fear what they cannot control and birth is one thing that is beyond our control. Check out the trailer to this new movie here and let's show some support.

It scares me that our birth choices are slowly being taken away. In my town there is (was) a group of CNMs that practiced out of the large teaching hospital here. Recently one of the midwives left and now the remaining midwife is not "allowed" to attend any births. It's a big blow to the birth scene here where most mothers already deliver with an epidural or via cesarean. Now the one option that was more natural birth-friendly is gone. There is no birth center in the area. Homebirth is "underground" and lay midwives are hard to come by here.

Lastly, ABC has insulted non-vaccinating parents by calling us stupid. Those who chose to not inject their children with the chemical concoctions mixed up by money-hungry pharmaceutical companies are being targeted by this latest attack. If you missed the show on 20/20 last night, read about it here.

That pretty much sums up my news for the week. Stay tuned for some more personal posts to come soon.
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